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Crayons Advertising Limited IPO May 22 To May 25

Crayons Advertising Limited IPO May 22 To May 25

Consolidated in 1986, Pastels Promoting Restricted is a Coordinated advertising and correspondence office. They offer 360-degree answers for a wide cluster of clients.

Laid out with the item and vision to give promoting arrangements, Pastels Publicizing has extended its business skylines constantly during its activities in the business for more than 36 years.

Pastels are one of a handful of organizations that can profess to be completely coordinated and free in giving promoting and correspondence arrangements. It has given a wide area of the extent of work being offered and given to its clients.

They offer elite imaginative, extraordinary brand advertising systems, commonsense on the web and disconnected media arranging and purchasing, state-of-the-art computerized skill, on-ground and virtual actuation abilities, and plan arrangements that help clients in brand building.

Pastels Publicizing Restricted offers a very good quality environment and start-to-finish promotion tech correspondence arrangements stage. These are for publicizing media administrations comprising Brand Procedure, Occasions, Print Media, Computerized Media, and Outside (OOH) Media administrations.

These administrations are presented under different ad modes, for example, Papers, Pamphlets, Magazines, TV slots, FM channels, shows of Outside Hoardings, and so on.

crayons ipo may moths
crayons ipo may moths

Inside Bet Factors
1. There may be a conceivable hopeless situation between Our Association and relatively few of its Social event Associations and other undertaking or
endeavors progressed by our sponsor or bosses.
The essential business object/activities of our get-together associations/components viz, Coeus Exchanges India LLP, All White
Correspondence LLP, Brilliant High-level Plans LLP, and Omni Media Exchanges Private Confined furthermore award them to
embrace similar business to that of our business, which could make a normal hopeless situation and which accordingly, may have
repercussions on our exercises and advantages. Hostile circumstances could arise in dispensing business open entryways between our
Association and our Social occasion Associations/Components practices in conditions where our different benefits meander. Further, our
Bundle Associations are allowed to continue practices as per their MOA, which resembles the activities conveyed by our Social occasion.
Further, our Promoters Mr. Kunal Lalani and Mrs. Vimi Lalani, and their nearby relatives are Bosses/Doled out Associates
on the main body of our Social affair Associations/LLP. This may be a logical wellspring of hostile circumstances in keeping an eye on business
open entryways, strategies, completing new plans, and joining needs. In occasions of conflict, our Publicist could incline in the direction of other
associations in which our Promoter has an interest.
2. Our sponsors are moreover the promoters of “Uber Venture Limited” which is before long recorded at BSE Confined, there are very
less trading the worth bits of the association.
Our sponsors are furthermore the publicists of Super Association Limited (MGL), there is immaterial trading in the worth segments of the
MGL and the worth stay to be consistent for a surprisingly long time now. Further, SEBI gave an element notice (SCN) to the MGL in
2005 on the stress of individuals acting cooperating with explicit market delegates who were being examined. MGL recorded
advances in SAT, and starting there, SEBI Redrafting Chamber (SAT) smothered the SCN in October 2008. In Walk 2009 SEBI recorded a
bid in High Court against the curbing, but the appeal got pardoned in April 2022. As not much time has elapsed since
the solicitation date we can’t promise you expecting the publicists will make any progressions busy with the MGL post this stifle
of SEBI demand.

crayons ipo
crayons ipocrayons ipo

3. Our Association has been Suspended by the Organization of Bihar, Information and Promoting Division.
The Public Power of Bihar, Information and Promoting Division, in its social event, held on 29.05.2018, discussed the work
demand given to the Pastels and work performed by the Shaded pencils, the concerned neighborhood authorities cried about the work not
being satisfactory, in this manner, it was decided to take action against the association and further, a debarment demand was followed through on
13/08/2019. In such a way the Shaded Pencils reported a Solicitation to the Hon’ble High Court of Patna, later a comparable solicitation having a case
no. 4074 was eliminated.

The Autonomous Heads of the Organization have not given their enlistment declarations to enlistment in the information bank
kept up with by the Indian Organization of Corporate Undertakings.
According to Area 150 of the Organizations Act, 2013 read with Rule 6 of the Organizations (Arrangement and Capabilities of Chiefs)
Rules, 2014, each person who expects to get selected as a free chief in an organization will before such
arrangement apply online to the Indian Foundation of Corporate Undertakings for consideration of his/her name in the information bank kept up with
by the referenced establishment. Further, every person whose name is so remembered for the aforementioned information bank will pass an on the web
capability self-evaluation test led by the Indian Organization of Corporate Issues inside a time of a long time from the date
of consideration of his/her name in the information bank, bombing which, his/her name will stand eliminated from the databank of the Indian
Foundation of Corporate Issues
The Free Head of our organization viz. Mr. Vinod Zutshi has been named properly according to the arrangements of the
Organizations Act, 2013. He has applied for his name consideration in the aforementioned information bank anyway we have not gotten the
authentication of enrollment yet, but he’s absolved from giving the capability self-appraisal test, as he has gone about as
judge or supporter of court for at least than 10 years.
Our other Autonomous Chief i.e Mr. Surendra Kumar Pagaria, has not given his free chief enrollment
declaration, even though he’s going about as an Autonomous overseer of Uber Organization Restricted for the Most recent 3 years.
6. Nonaccessibility of secretarial records of the organization documented with ROC since consolidation and non-refreshing of late records
at MCA.
Since the organization was consolidated in 1986, following all secretarial records since incorporation is absurd. We can’t
follow duplicates of specific records. We can’t guarantee you that the filings were made on time thus, we will not be
dependent upon any punishment forced by the administrative experts in this regard.
Even though we have gotten the pursuit report from Rehearsing Organization Secretary Mr. Suryakant Gupta having authentication of
practice no. 10828 dated February 9, 2023, for ascertainment of data and compromise of secretarial information and records of
the organization. Further, because of refreshing the form of the MCA site, hence the organization couldn’t process with documentation of
MGT – 14 for Accommodation of Initial public offering goal to ROC, MR-1 for Kunal Lalani, DIR 12 for Kunal Lalani, Hulas Mal Lalani
Surendra Kumar Pagaria and some other prerequisites might be expected to be given to ROC.

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